Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Enduring Story Of Good & Evil

I admit it. I am a Trekker.

Tonight my Trekker husband and I are going to the Midnight showing of the long anticipated film, the latest bearing the legendary name: STAR TREK. (No, we are not wearing our Starfleet uniforms.)

Why am I such a fan?

It’s the premise, right in those iconic voice-overs by Captains James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard leading into the opening theme songs of both Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation: “To boldly go where no one has gone before.” Every week the crew would face a terrible villain, one whose defeat would require imagination, intellect, and perfect cooperation among the crew. Not to mention in many instances a bold leap of faith as they risked their lives to save the day.

The battle of good vs. evil is a plot line enduring all points on the space-time continuum.

It endures because, I think, the battle of good vs. evil is very real, and a part of our every day lives. It doesn’t often entail a fleet of Romulans decloaking off the starboard bow ready to launch a torpedo at you (often? How about never?), but our battles are pretty harrowing at times. I certainly wouldn’t want to endure any one of my battles alone.

God IS with me, and because of God I’m not alone. How blessed I am to have friends, family and His Church. My daily battles with all things evil, no matter how large or small, are won with their help—with their prayers, their friendship, their bold leap of faith for me, and mine in turn for them. When we cooperate with grace, there’s no evil we can’t overcome.

I lift my eyes to the hills,
From where does my help come?
My help comes from The LORD
Who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved,
He who keeps you will not slumber,
Behold, he who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD is your keeper,
The LORD is your shade;
The sun will not smite you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all evil,
The LORD will keep your life,
Your goings out and your comings in
From this time forth and forevermore.
Psalm 121
Live long and prosper.


Julie D. said...


I also was thinking this morning that the movie, anyway, promotes the power of discernment and using one's own gifts the proper way. In Kirk we see both the rebel without a cause and the rebel with a cause. How does he use his gifts for good and not evil? This is also shown in Spock from a different perspective. Both are fighting personal demons to find the path they should take.

Gina said...

Hi Julie D, thanks for the very insightful comment. Don't we all do battle with our demons every single day, and struggle to stay on the right path?

I also woke up thinking about this film...particularly the concept of destiny, and how a person from another reality can influence us to think or behave in a whole new way in accordance with that destiny. Kirk, Spock, Sulu, even Catpain Pike (I love that they bring him back from that original pilot! Remember the maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise in the original series? That race has never been encountered in this reality...Talk about stirring the imagination.)

Whether it was intended to be an allegory of the mystical world or not, it certainly can be applied. I can very easily draw the parallels. Humanity was created to serve the Lord. Because of our nature, though, a variety of circumstances blind us to that destiny. We live in our own little worlds, having our own little concerns, until we encounter something greater than ourselves, and in that encounter we are given the choice to reject our destiny, opting to live in our little box; or we can accept our destiny and all the wonderful, exciting things that go along with it as we live in the Lord.

Joe Strain said...

Great post... There have been times when I wish I could be transported (beam me up) to a face to face with the big 3 (F,S,HS).. but then I remember all I all I have to do is open my heart and they are there.. Jesus dwells in each of us.. and we are never alone.. Once i started to realize this I was in HYPER DRIVE like the star ship enterprise.......... Thanks for the post.
Handsome joe

Gina said...

Hey Joe thanks for reading.....I love being a crew member for the REAL "federation"...Hallelujah!

keep us in prayer, we began formation for a women's team in August! DE COLORES!

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