Monday, December 9, 2013

Immaculate Conception

In America today, we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Our dear Blessed Mother.  This feast refers to the conception of Mary, free from original sin, in the womb of her mother.  This dogma has created no small misunderstanding with non Catholics.  It simply need not be.  As we think about this, we can ponder the traditional way of explaining this to fellow non Catholics.  We, having sinned, through the merits of Jesus on the Cross, were pulled from our sins and cleansed, out of the pit after falling, so to speak.  God's timeless existence saved Mary through her Son's same sacrifice on the cross, preventing her from ever falling into the pit.  How fitting, the Mother of God, prevented from falling into the pit of sin in the first place.  She would, afterall, carry in her womb, the Son of God.  Completely human, Mary can inspire us, also completely human, to be always living better lives. 

         To borrow from Kimberly Hahn, God has saved me personally from many sins in my life; times when I didn't fall into this trap or that, etc.  Therefore saving his Mother is entirely within His realm. 

He did it for a reason.  He does everything for a reason.  On this feast of the Immaculate Conception, how can we help pull some one out of a pit they are struggling in?  How can we help that family struggling to live a Catholic life in today's world bear the ridicule they face day after day?  How can we make that family  with 5 kids feel welcome, because they have embraced and actually desire life?  How can we reach out and stop that frightened teenager from making that decision to abort her child.  One decision,  I promise that she will regret and suffer over.  Could it be a coin given to one in needy?  (I don't suggest Salvation Army for their stance on abortion)  Could it be a smile to someone lonely?  A visit to the rest home?  A simple and sincere "God Bless you."  Let us keep our eyes open as we celebrate this feast of the Immaculate Conception.  Mary pray for us!

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