Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Do We Believe In God?

More Fr. Robert Barron at


Joe Strain said...

I love to listen to Fr. Robert Barron... Thanks for the post..

I believe as I use my brain to understand that God the Father, God the Son exist through the inspired words of Scripture tradition and teaching of the Catholic church.

I know that God the Holy Spirit is real because, five years ago when someone took the time to become my friend and bring CHRIST to me....
I felt the holy spirit light me from inside. The TRUTH SET me FREE...

And I fully believe that that the HOLY SPIRT has been with me every day since. Every time I receive the Body and Blood of Jesus at mass I am renewed.

De Colores
handsome joe

Gina said...

Hey Joe, thanks for reading, as always! I also love Fr. Robert Barron. He's relatively new to me...I found him on Catholic TV out of Boston about 6 months ago, and like more and more of what he has to say.

He really has a talent for taking those really deep concepts and expressing them for the average person. Love his style!

What you say here is very important---using our minds is a very important element of our faith---faith isn't about our feelings---it's a decision, and it's a logical, thoughtful decision.

Thank you so much for sharing your insights here!


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