Monday, May 4, 2009

The Catholic Vision For Leading Like Jesus

In a world of questionable ethics and shady business dealings, Owen Phelps, Ph.D., provides Catholics with a timely blueprint for honest, Christian leadership in his book, The Catholic Vision For Leading Like Jesus. Phelps addresses a real need within Catholicism, which is teaching Catholics “how to integrate their Christian faith with their lives as leaders at home, at work, and in their communities”.

Phelps perceptively explores what it means to be a leader within the context S3 Leadership: being a servant, being a steward, and being a shepherd. As I worked through this book I gained both insight and confirmation regarding my own ministries, as well as into my role in the workplace. Several chapters are dedicated to the concept of servant leadership, beginning with the embodiment of servant-leader that is Jesus, followed by a call to examine both our intentions and our actions, with some practical advice to incorporate into our daily lives.

Segments called “In the Family”, “On the Job”, “In the Community”, and “In the Church” are sprinkled through the chapters, along with diagrams, quotes and brief commentaries on various related topics. Phelps also includes at the end of each chapter “reflection questions”, which I think challenge the reader enough without being either too trite or overly confusing. I can easily envision a leader’s workshop or group study on this book. In fact, I’m recommending it to my Pastor in this capacity. The Catholic Vision For Leading Like Jesus is definitely worth the read to anyone in business, management or ministry.

This review was written as part of the Catholic book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus - S3 Leadership .


Eddie Ray said...

I think this is even a good book for non-catholics. Alot of people view us as "Get up on Sunday morning and go to Mass" and thats it. There are many Catholics out there that "Walk the Walk" more than they "Talk the Talk" and people just aren't aware.

Gina said...

Yes there are, Eddie Ray, and thank you for this comment. There ARE many Catholics--the overwhelming majority I know--who walk it in a way that is downright inspirational. I think people of other Christian denominations might get quite a lot out of this book.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading this book and possility of getting it as the foundation for a Leaders Workshop right here with our Cursillo community. We are always looking for ways to enrich and feed ourselves, and what better way than being a servant, a steward, and a shepherd. Isn't that what we all want and strive for as Christians? -N

Gina said...

N, I am also excited to use this book! Next time I see you, it's yours. I also think it would make a great foundation for Cursillo: when our purpose is to build a deeply-rooted community of Christian leaders, learning some leadership skills could only benefit us. I'm excited to have everyone read this book!

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